Goodyers End Primary School is a Community school and was established in 1996 following the linking of Goodyers End First & Middle Schools.
Our school has a hardworking and committed staff who work together to ensure that all the children receive a high quality of education.
Well done to our Star of the Week winners this week. They have all been great 'team players' and have been supportive and encouraging to their peers. #gyestaroftheweek
Congratulations to our Star of the Week winners this week. They great role models in showing 'respect' to everyone around them. Well done! #GYEStaroftheWeek
Some of our Year 6 children represented GYE in the School Games 'indoor athletics' this week. They showed great determination and team work! @schoolgames_nw
Year 3 have successfully used expanded noun phrases and descriptive language to showcase the Iron Man's persona in the story. They included brilliant figurative language and gained an excellent understanding of his characteristics.
Year two are very excited for our trip to the Think Tank next week. We have discussed the things we hope to see! We can't wait!
Arts week 2025 - Year two have looked out group 'art attack' activity this week. We created a Chinese New Year snake by overlapping, using repeated patterns and repeated rubbings. We then put it on the wall and evaluated it like it was an art gallery
Well done to our Star of the Week winners this week. They have all been using our 'accepting' value. What superstars! #GYEStaroftheWeek
Congratulations to our Star of the Week winners this week. They have all been showing and using our 'empathetic' value. Well done! #GYEStaroftheWeek