Year 2
Summer Term
During the Summer Term Year 2 have been very busy preparing for their SATs. They all worked really hard and the children can be very proud of how they did.
As part of our English work we looked at two different books. The first was ‘Anancy and Mr Drybone’. This is a beautiful African tale. We wrote our own versions of the story and did some amazing art work to go with it. The second book was ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ which we absolutely loved.
In Topic we have been looking at ‘Australia’. We have compared Australia to the UK, looking at differences in culture, climate and life style. We have produced some Aboriginal art work and read a selection of Aboriginal tales.
In our Science work we have been looking at ‘Plants and Animals’. We carried out an investigation to see what plants need to survive and found out that seeds without water and warmth wouldn’t grow at all. The seed without soil took a long time to germinate and didn’t really grow and the seedling without light started to grow, but it went very yellow and then died. We have been into the school grounds looking for and studying the plants and animals that grow and live there, having a particularly good afternoon lifting up rocks and other objects searching for mini beasts.
As part of our Science topic we went to Plantasia at Dobbies. We had great fun doing the Wild Walk looking at the different habitats and searching the grassland areas. We got to see a variety of farm animals and got ourselves lost in the mazes! It was a great day!