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Key Information

The development of literacy and numeracy are central to our work and we also offer a broad and varied curriculum to develop children's natural curiosity and love of learning.  Wherever possible we develop experience through school visits and by inviting visitors to the school to share their environment and experiences.

Please use the links to the right or above to navigate through key areas of our school or alternatively click this link to open our prospectus which contains information from uniform to school meals, online payments to extra-curricular clubs! 

Please note that the information in our prospectus was correct at the time of printing and since then there have been the following changes:

School Opening Hours as of 01/01/23


Reception and Key Stage 1

Key Stage 2


8:45am – 12:00pm

8:50am – 12:15pm

Morning break

10:40am – 10:55am

10:30am – 10:45am


12:00pm – 1:00pm

12:15pm – 1:15pm


1:00pm – 3:15pm

1:15pm – 3:20pm

Afternoon break

2:00pm – 2:15pm


Teaching time

21 hours 20 minutes

23 hours 40 minutes

School Uniform

For additional information on our 2nd hand uniform please navigate to this page.





  • Music Mark
  • Ready to Learn | Ready for Life
  • Ofsted
  • Warwickshire County Council
  • WCC Safeguarding
  • WIncKS
  • British Values
  • RWI