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School Curriculum

Big Hearts, Open Minds

Our vision

At Goodyers End Primary School our intention is that our curriculum extends opportunities, raises aspirations, opens children’s minds to the world beyond their immediate environment and prepares them for the next stage of their education. We aim to build resilience and encourage a growth mind-set amongst our children as it is often through mistakes we learn the most! Empathy and understanding of others is at the heart of everything we do.

Our Curriculum

We want to be challenged because we are curious, confident learners.

In recognition of the context of the starting points of many of our children, we have a strong focus on the teaching and learning of maths and English to ensure they have the best start to their education thus impacting positively on future career options.

We believe our curriculum prepares our children well for their secondary education and beyond. Our curriculum meets the requirements of the 2014 National Curriculum and is intended to reflect the needs of our school and its community.  We have designed our curriculum with the intent that children must have the building blocks to become successful adults; to gain employment, live healthy lifestyles, be moral citizens and to best the best that they can be.  

Reading is given a high priority in our curriculum as it is the ability to read and understand which opens up learning for children.  We believe the development of children’s vocabulary is a vital tool in learning and understanding the full curriculum.

We read because: We Want to… We Need to… We Know How to

In Maths we follow a mastery approach where all pupils are taught to their year group expectation, with challenge for the more able and support for those who need it.

In their first year in school our Reception children follow the Early Years Curriculum and develop their knowledge, skills and understanding through a combination of both play-based learning and more focused teacher led sessions.  Pupils learn to share, work independently and play with others. See Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Policy for further details.

At Goodyers End we are keen to promote the diversity of life and celebrate difference and promote respect for all.  Through our teaching, learning and behaviour expectations, we give pupils the knowledge and understanding of how discrimination and prejudiced behaviour is dealt with, including the prevention of bullying.

Goodyers End provides a highly inclusive environment where learners enjoy their education and create memories that will last lifetime.  Pupils at all levels are helped to achieve their potential. Those who are most able are challenged and encouraged to expand their skills and knowledge through a variety of curriculum opportunities.  Those who find learning more difficult are encouraged and given targeted support to embed skills, to develop at their own pace and to learn in a style that best suits their individual needs.

Our key aim is that when children leave us to move on to secondary school, they have:

  • confidence in themselves and their attitudes to learning
  • a firm grasp of basic skills
  • an awareness of the opportunities beyond the local community
  • to aim high and challenge themselves to achieve great things in the future
  • a strong sense of moral purpose and respect for others


For further information about the work children do in year groups and individual subjects please use the tabs on the right to navigate to those areas specifically.

To find out more about our curriculum please contact the school office with your request.

  • Music Mark
  • Ready to Learn | Ready for Life
  • Ofsted
  • Warwickshire County Council
  • WCC Safeguarding
  • WIncKS
  • British Values
  • RWI