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Attendance Matters – Guidance for Parents

Our aim is to maximise the attendance of every student at Goodyers End Primary School.  Regular school attendance is vital for all of our children in order that they can make good progress before they move on to secondary school. 

The Government, from September 2013, has amended the Education (Pupil Registration) Regulations 2006 to include the fact that Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.

By promoting good attendance and punctuality, we believe that we are encouraging and protecting pupils under the five key areas of the “Every Child Matters” white paper. 

Five Key areas for the wellbeing of children:

  • Be healthy
  • Be safe
  • Enjoy and achieve
  • Make a positive contribution
  • Achieve economic well-being

Rights and Responsibilities

Improving and maintaining attendance at Goodyers End Primary School is the responsibility of everyone in our school community – parents, pupils, staff and governors.  Each year there are 190 statutory school days.  This means there are 175 days for holidays, shopping, birthday treats and non-urgent medical and dental appointments.

What does an attendance target mean?

If your son or daughter attends 96% of one school year they will have had one week absent.

Attendance over One School Year                                      

Percentage Weeks Absent from School
96% 1 Week
95% 2 Weeks
90% 3 Weeks
85% 5 1/2 Weeks
80% 7 1/2 Weeks

Attendance over Five School Years

Percentage Weeks Absent from School
96% 5 1/2 Weeks
95% 9 1/2 Weeks
90% 19 Weeks
85% 28 1/2 Weeks
80% 38 Weeks *

* one whole academic year missed

Authorised and Unauthorised absence

Authorised absence is absence with permission from school.  The DfE Statutory definitions state:

These are authorised absences:-

  • Illness
  • Emergency dental/medical appointment (please make routine appointments after school or in during school holidays).  If well enough your child should return to school immediately after the appointment
  • Day of religious observance
  • Family bereavement
  • Exceptional circumstances – You will need to complete a leave of absence request form.  To obtain a form please contact the school office on 024 7636 4448 or email

Unauthorised absence is absence without permission from school.  This includes unexplained or unjustified absence.  These are unauthorised absences:-

  • Looking after brothers or sisters/unwell family members
  • Birthdays
  • General trips – football matches etc.
  • Truancy from lessons or school
  • Persistent minor ailments without the support of a doctor’s note
  • Visits to the airport to collect relatives

Reporting your Child’s absence

If your child is unable to attend school please telephone on 024 7636 4448 before 9:00am on the first day of absence, giving reason for absence.

Remember to tell us:

  • Full name of your son/daughter
  • Their year and tutor group
  • The date of absence
  • Reason for absence
  • Expected date of return

When your child returns to school please provide a note for your child's teacher even if an explanation has already been given by telephone.

Exceptional Circumstances Leave of Absence Request

If there are exceptional circumstances parents/carers will need to complete an ‘Exceptional Circumstances Leave of Absence Request Form’.  To obtain a form please contact the school office on 024 7636 4448.

What Happens if Your Child is Not Present? 

When a pupil has an absent mark for morning registration and no phone call has been received, and we are concerned about their attendance, a text message will be sent and/or a telephone call made to the parent/carer, requesting they contact the school immediately to give the reason for absence.

Should your child's attendance become of concern to us we will write to you informing you of this and request that you make every effort to ensure your child is in school for the maximum number of days possible.

Absence Letters

If you receive a letter asking where your child was on a certain date it is important that you contact us.  You can do this in person at the school office, telephone the school on 024 7636 4448 or return the completed slip with your child.  If we do not receive this information the absences will stay as unauthorised.


Pupils are expected to arrive in school in good time and we request that you ensure your child(ren) arrive(s) on time.  Children should be in classrooms by 8:45am ready to start their day and their learning promptly.  Children who arrive late to class are often embarrassed when they do arrive and it can disrupt the rest of the class and their learning.

Procedure for Late Arrival to School

Children arriving late should come in to school through the main school office so that they can be given a mark on the register and their dinner recorded.

Attendance Policy

Please see out policies folder under Key Information for our current attendance policy including a coronavirus addendum.

  • Music Mark
  • Ready to Learn | Ready for Life
  • Ofsted
  • Warwickshire County Council
  • WCC Safeguarding
  • WIncKS
  • British Values
  • RWI